Update Application Discovery Policy

Application Discovery has been enabled in the system.

Use this task to update an Application Discovery policy.

  1. Go to Policies > Policies.
  2. Select Add Policy and select Application Discovery Policy from the drop-down list and configure the settings.
    Table 1. Application Discovery Policy Configuration Settings
    Field Description
    Policy Name This will be automatically filled with App Discovery (temp policy).
    Description (Optional) Enter a description.
    User Groups Select Any User or select a user group from the drop-down list or create one. For more information, see Manage User Groups.
    Location Based Condition (Optional) Select a location condition from the drop-down menu or create a new condition, for details, see Add Location-Based Conditions.
    Time Based Condition (Optional) Select a time condition from the drop-down menu or create a new condition, for details, see Add Time-Based Conditions.
    Authentication Based Condition (Optional) Select an authentication condition from the drop-down menu or create a new condition, for details, see Create Authentication-Based Conditions.
    Application Groups This drop-down list will default to Discovery (All Apps).
    Application Access Select Agent-based or Agentless access mode.
    Note: By default, Agent-based or Agentless are checked when creating new policies.
  3. Select Update.